Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Sayings -- Giving Thanks

The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is winding down.  Everyone is returning to their homes and "normal" lives.  While it's great that we have a holiday designated as a time to reflect on the many Blessings we've been given, and are given a chance to celebrate with family and friends, every day should be a day of Thanksgiving.  Even in tough times, we can all name a Blessing we've been given, no matter how small.  Sometime the kindness of a stranger holding the door for you and telling you to have a nice day is just the pick-me-up we need after a trying day.  Being reminded that it's the simple things that matter, as you watch a small child play with a cardboard box.  The Blessings of children as they give you that heart-melting smile.  Relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea.  Receiving a phone call (or email or text message) from a dear friend.

As the Christmas season kicks into gear, we often find ourselves stressed out from the gift buying and holiday preparations.  Don't forget to stop and give thanks for having others to buy gifts for, for having the food that needs cooking, for having the house that needs cleaning, for having the money to buy the gifts, for having all that you have.  And give thanks just for being.  We can all name someone who is no longer with us this holiday season.

Just remember to give thanks.

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